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What Does Front Running Mean in Mutual Funds?

Jul 22

2 min read



In recent times, there has been much talk about front running involving a prominent fund house. But what exactly does front running mean, and how does it impact investors?

mutual funds

What is Front Running?

Front running in mutual funds refers to the unethical practice where a broker or a fund manager executes trades on a security for their own benefit based on advanced knowledge of pending orders from their clients. Essentially, it involves taking advantage of insider information about future transactions to benefit from price movements before executing client orders. If you need more information, reach out to a mutual fund distributor in Jaipur.

How Front Running Works

Here's how front running typically works: when a fund manager or broker receives information about substantial upcoming trades from their clients, they may exploit this information by buying or selling the same security in advance. By doing so, they can potentially influence the market price in their favour before executing the client's order, thus profiting from the subsequent price change.

Impact on Investors

Front running can have detrimental effects on investors:

  • Direct Financial Losses: Investors may suffer direct financial losses as front runners execute trades ahead of them, causing prices to move unfavourably before their orders are filled.

  • Increased Trading Costs: Front-running can lead to higher transaction costs for investors. As front runners exploit market movements, it becomes costlier for regular investors to execute trades at fair prices.

  • Market Distortion: The practice of front running distorts normal market dynamics by artificially influencing prices. This can create an uneven playing field where informed traders profit at the expense of others, impacting market efficiency.

  • Trust Erosion: Investor trust in the fairness of financial markets is undermined when they perceive that some market participants have an unfair advantage. Front running erodes confidence in market integrity, potentially leading investors to withdraw or reduce their participation.

  • Regulatory Scrutiny: Front running attracts regulatory scrutiny due to its unethical nature. Regulators monitor markets to ensure fair practices, imposing penalties on firms found engaging in front-running activities. Compliance with regulatory standards becomes crucial to maintain market credibility.


Front running hurts trust and fairness in mutual funds. Front running occurs when someone uses inside information to gain an unfair advantage over other investors. Hence, it is very important for investors to stay informed and know what's going on with their investments to take corrective actions just in time. A mutual fund investment advisor in Jaipur can help you with reliable investments.



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